My Blog List

Sunday 17 October 2010

The World Is Our Oyster.... Who's Coming Along For The Ride?

Afternoon Bloggers,

Alot of you have told me how you enjoy reading this blog, how it makes you laugh, smile, or whatever it does to you, even if it makes you cringe, i know that i am doing my job because its not for myself i write this blog, well it is a little bit, but i like to let people know what i have been up to, to keep friends and family in touch with my goings on and express my warped view on the world, and this, for me, is the best outlet. :)

So today i thought, after the week i have had, that i simply had to share all with you, my wonderful audience :). Up until this thursday just gone we had been in Cadiz for 5 weeks and not stepped foot outside this stunning city. However on Thursday, as there was a UV party on that night at Nahu, (I'll tell you all about that later on!!), we decided to go to Jerez, a city nearby which happens to have a Primark and a H n M, perfect places to get our UV outfits, oh and did we look a bunch of wallys! classic!

Now Jerez was cool, it was a nice shopping centre, a bit like the metro centre but about 15million times smaller!! But what we found when we arrived in Sevilla yesterday on our second excursion this week, just simply gobsmacked us! One of the most stunning cities i have ever seen, Andalucia is simply stunning! In Sevilla we managed to get our tourist caps on and spent the day seeing some of the sights. When we arrived good ol Geoff got us good and lost until we managed to stumble across a 'Fiesta de Naciones' (International Festival/Market), in which we wondered around the stalls selling food, drink and jewellery etc from all around the world, (No bleeding English stall though :( so no fish n chips or..... you guessed it, YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS for me!!), we ate, drank some and browsed the stall, what i learnt, apart from don't folllow a frenchman ;) was that Kangaroo is the best meat i have ever tasted!! We then moved on into the city and toured the Cathedral, a story on its own, one of the most beautiful buildings i have ever been lucky enough to see up close, and the view from the top, simply sensational!! After the trek up and down the 35 flights (No stairs only one continous ramp split up by corners!!) we moved on into the city, it was getting late so we decided some of us would take a Horse Drawn Carriage ride around the city to see the sights whilst Geoff, Ash and Mike went up onto a rooftob bar to drink 12.50 euro Mojitos! The carriage ride was a pefect way to see the city, the driver was a perfect guide and the sights were immense, buildings liek no others, palaces that look let film sets and gardens that look like they were taken straight from Eden.

A great two days, to round off a great week of days lazing about or as iv described, travelling Andalucia, and nights out in Cadiz getting messy and well uber-messy!!!

The nights out, ohhhh the nights out!! Where to start, i mean so far we have been out a fair bit and had some amazing nights out, but this week has bordered on the insane, with the combination of the deposit into our accounts of Erasmus money (Thankyou Erasmus, you have funded a great week, a to be great year, and a need for a liver replacement!!) and the lack of uni due to national, local, bank, and university holidays this week, (we only had uni this wednesday and friday just gone!) it turned out to be 5 out of 6 and after tonights quiz at Bar Cuba (Where i now work Wednesdays behind the bar making the best cocktails in the best bar in Cadiz!) it will be 6 out of 7 nights of PURE MESSSS!!

Monday and Wednesday were bog standard nights, not much happened, we went out but nothing too big, Saturday and Friday were planned 'quiet' nights out ending in returning home at between the hours of 3-5 but Thursday, oh god guys, Thursday, well that is another Blog all together....

UV Party in Nahu, and how do the English do UV, Over the top, Camp as can be, Drag, with as many colours as one body can handle, as you can see, i looked tip top, and well, lets just say, us English, we couldn't have stood out more if we had big flashing lights on our heads and boomboxes fitted to our asses, it was incredible. I mean come on, who knew that other European and American people had simply NO CLUE how to celebrate a UV Party, we were the only ones dressed up, yes other people had UV paint on their faces, but nobody looked like us!!

However....... There was one person i did not want to see me dressed like the complete and utter moron i was looking like, and that was one lovely French lass i have come across...... No Such Luck!!! But when one manages to woo a french lass dressed like the worlds most retarded drag queen, (and i mean she's french, the french are all like ooh la la, mon oui mon waaaa, and i can safely say very few apart from our own special Geoff and the Madamouiselle herself appreciated the hilarity of our situation),  you surely gotta know that your on to a winner!

So that was the week that was guys, it was a fantastic week, full of banter, drunkardness, culture, expensive cocktails, stunning sights, one very knackering game of football at half 10 in the morning in the steaming sunshine after a more than eventful night on the wednesday, rolling in at 5am and playing those few hours later! A week to remember, and the beginning of more adventures to come, i mean come on the world is our oyster this year... Who's coming along for the ride?

A few shout outs this week to friends who have made my life a little bit closer to heaven......

-Sam Maloney and his legendarily camp and outrageous quotes:
"When are you guys getting home.... I'm Lonely Maloney"
"Everyone is a little harsh to Gary Glitter"
"I think people who have gone to jail should be able to watch the X-Factor... it's like Human Rights!"

- To Zoe Healy who saved my life by sending me a link to watch the X-Factor Live stream

- To Mike McPherson for given me ample opportunity day in day out for tip top banter

- To Ashley Milns... For not peeing himself this week

- And to all you readers out there, for making me feel wanted..... haha jokes i know i'm adored worldwide :P

Happy Blogging :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love Sam's quotes!!!! :-)
    Thanx for the mention, I'm just repaying all those links u sent me!
