My Blog List

Friday 19 November 2010

"If The Dream Is Big Enough The Facts Don't Matter"

Afternoon Bloggers :)

Knock Knock..... Who's there?..... Winter!!! Now this was going to be the title but i thought it may be a bit misleading!

How do you know that winter has arrived? Your laid in your bed at 11am in the south of Spain shivering! Not only do i fear putting my feet out of the covers due to Paranormal Activity, but now i have Jack frikin Frost to deal with as well. Trust me i didn't expect him to make it all the way down to Cadiz this year!! No Central Heating, big ass windows, marble-ish floors, no duvet, so what the bleeding hell can i do to keep myself warm? By writing to you lovely people who read my blog :)

Iv mulled and you could sayn even fretted about this entry to my blog. A quick look before i wrote this at the stats tells me that since i launched my blog at the start of October i have had some 1377 views. Wow! When i started out writing this i never dreamed of this many views, i thought that i'd get a few from friends back home, friends here in Cadiz, friends scattered around Europe and in Mexico, family around the world. However, there is a option on the stats part to look at where people are viewing this blog from, and may i say, i was gobsmacked. Of course Spain and the UK are the places where it is most popular, but you look further down and this week alone there has been 37 views in Denmark and numerous views in Russia, Germany, The USA, Singapore and Israel! I was shocked and i must say humbled! I thank you all so much for continuing to read my blog entry after entry and giving me the compliments i have been recieving from all sorts of people. But the pressure i have felt. How do i follow up the last two entries which have proven to be the two most popular since my first ever one, 'Ode to a Toad in the Hole' has rocketed over the 100 views mark!

Why change a working formula? You have responded well to me talking about my friends of late. Why? Well because i never started writing this blog to be repetitious and boring :) I could talk about other friends of mine, friends back home in Donny who i thoroughly look forward to seeing in December :). I could talk about my family, my family who i miss dearly, and cannot wait to get all together at Christmas :). But today, well today bloggers, i shall talk about lots of people including a guy many of you know, and seemingly many of you do not. A guy who, at this moment in time, all he cares about is keeping you reading. A guy who you cannot simply put a label on, or I hope not! A guy that you may want to label, it woulod seemingly be easy, a 6ft3, barely over 11stone wet through, ginger, paled skinned guy, living in Spain, what would you label a guy like that, well probably crazy! or an outcast! But you merely can label him Mathew Clarke, avid blogger, gentleman, and a Dreamer.

You may say everybody dreams, you may say dreams are for those who cannot face reality, James Dean said; "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today". You can look at the word Dream from two different angles;

- The first is a dream one has at night, dreams of magical worlds, famous people, of dragons wizards and dreamscapes. What you dream at night depends on who you are, it is safe to say i am a hardcore nightime sleeper, just ask Ash 'babyface' Milns who has to share a room with my sleeping self! If you thought Inception was warped, you should spend a night or two inside my dreams! Its an experience trust me! If i'm not kicking someone out of bed, singing a power ballad,  performing a musical, conversing in different languages, or locking myself out of my room whilst sleepwalking then i have let myself down!! Who needs Paranormal Activity when you have a sleeping ginger genius!!

- The second is the dreams we all hold so close to us. The dreams we do not always tell others. Dreams of fame and fortune. Dreams of performing on broadway and the west end to hundreds of people. Dreams of having a number one single and album. Dreams of getting that job you always wanted, or of seeing your name in lights. These dreams are the things that drive us forward in life, they are why we set the goals we do, and why we make the decisions we do. And it is these dreams i want to talk about today.

James Walsh is a dreamer just like me. He wants to go into the field of biomechanics and hopes to do a masters in it next year. However you've seen the videos such as; have a gander at around the 46 second mark!! James dreams of being a performer, his dream is one of stardom and celebrity status so he can hang with his heroes like Usher. He dreams of that hit single and of packing out stadiums on his world tour.

This is an example of a dream. A dream that you hope, wish and pray will one day come true. A dream that if it did come true, you would be set for life. These are the dreams we have all had since we were a kid and the teacher asked us in primary school, "what do you want to be when you grow up". For people such as Mateo Stevens his dream was merely to be tall. Kate Newman dreamed of smuggling watermelons, at an age where she was still in a training bra and Kike was still a pipe dream at the back of the minds of Kellie and Mike.

Me you ask? I call myself a Dreamer because, and my family will verify this fact, i have had so many dreams. The professions i have wanted to be in, and these are just a few, are:

- Footballer
- Actor, supporting myself working behind a bar whilst at Acting school
- Fighter Pilot
- Forensic Anthropologist
- Football Manager (when i realised i really wasn't very good on the field! Only one Peter Crouch can make it by the laws of nature!!!)
- Reality TV star
- Billionaire business owner, how? No idea!
- Marketing manager
- Film Director
- Sports Agent

The list is endless! But the two thing that ties them all together is that;
a) They all involve me being mega rich :)
b) I was as driven to achieve the first as i am to achieve the last.

Whatever the dream, no matter how farfetched, i could picture myself in that profession, and i drove myself forward to get that goal.

But dreams need not just be about the career i see myself in. Before I came to Cadiz i dreamt about what this year would be like. But this was one dream i underdreamt!! Never did i dream that i would meet as many amazing people as I have done! I am however, having the time of my life, and that i did dream of!

Many things in life take you by surprise, many things happen out of the blue and you cannot put it down to anything but fate because you never dreamt up such a scenario. I never dreamt that i would get as many views of my blog from as many different countries around the world. I especially never dreamt that i would have people telling me that i should write for a living. I write as a hobby, i write because it makes me feel good, just like why i eat chocolate, why i watch films or play video games. Writing makes me happy. I purposely never included writing in the list above because it is something i have never really dreamed of, i have dreamt of writing a book, but not of writing for a living. When i was 16 i wrote a list of the things i wanted to do before i was 40:

1. Appear in a film
2. Visit New York
3. Live in a foriegn country
4. Write a book
5. Give blood
6. Skydive
7. Visit Paris
8. Earn a million
9. Get so drunk i could not remember anything about the night before
10. Have a family

Now as i grew up some of these became less important, i now live in Cadiz in Spain so number 3 is crossed off, and others i just see as being part of my future, only one on the list still remains to me a real dream, and that is to have a family.

If i can say as i grow old the same words Noah said in the Notebook; "I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough, then i will be happy. I will have achieved a dream. If i achieve the other dreams i have, any of the hundreds or even thousands i have, then they will just be great additions to my great life.

The dreams of my friends? Where do i see them? That i don't think i can tell you, i can try, of course i'll try :p But dreams are one of the most personal things to a man or woman. If you know a persons true dreams, then you truly know a person.

- I have already told you about James Walsh achieving fame and fortune on the back of his Number 1 hit single and Album, most probably entitled simply; Jumbo Jams.

- Pieter Lishman, oh if it were not for him being an injury prone crock he could dream of pulling on that South African rugby jersey and bombing up and down the wings and he breaks ever try scoring record in his country's history. However he is set to become the most famous Lawyer that ever practised law, you've seen A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise... nothing on our Lish!!

- Ashley Milns, a cert for a stock market future? Not after the 20p plummet in his stocks this week, where else to look, well second to starring in his own sitcom detailing his relationship with one Sam Maloney Ash will follow a business career, most probably not tackling logistics that have scuppered the Abercrombie delivery so far!!!

- Sam Maloney, If the sitcom never takes off Sam may look at busking, not the James Morrison kind, more like Santander Tramp styley, in a bid to put himself through stage school. Of course if he wishes to earn some money he'll follow his degree into business and most probably become a financial advisor or an accountant! Tight as a grasshoppers bumhole!

- Kate Newman Page 3? No don't be silly!! :-/ Kate perhaps is a bit like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz :p Like mentioned last time out Legally Blonde style Kate aims above expectations, i mean, she got into uni didn't she?! Kate will dream and will succeed, if not.... well she can always flash someone?! :p

- Sarah Bailey, what do tigers dream of when they take a little tiger snooze? The sexual predator Sarah... no i'm joking now lets be serious about her for once :-/ she dreams of a sober life with a family and a career. How she's going to get it drinking like Gazza i'll never no :D Again with the jokes gawd she's struggling here!!! ;) Where do i see her in 20 years? Living it large with a couple of rugrats and a successful husband.

- Natasha Pitt, More anti kids than Cruella de Vil! Natasha just dreams of Mowgli leaving the village and returning to the jungle ;) Jokes! Jeeez you guys are touchy today!!! Natasha dreams of there actually being a profession she can go into after passing her degree ;) Where can i see Tash in 20 years? Working for the man, part of the capitalist world, earning the big money, but not on common sense thats for sure. Maternal instincts will eventually take over no matter how much she denies this fact, she looks after the girls here too much to not have her own one day.

- Katie Bilton, Where does and Essex girl end up after uni? Rehab?! A housewife for sure, she'll have made plenty of money pre-marriage, but when that wedding ring goes on, the baby machine will be up and running, she may think not, but after all the success, after all the money, partying and loving, her cold heart will be thawed :P

- Mateo Stevens,  who knows? If he gets his act together and fit again, we could see him in the Cyprus or England squad in the next 5-7 years, if he doesn't he need not worry, fluent by the end of the year in 3 languages, and with plenty of business knowhow the money will start rolling in as he supports the ever -spending missus Sophie!! In 20 years if not football then owning a Casino i could see.

- Kellie Westerman, right so mummy Westerman is reading this hmmmm..... she's going to be rich and famous. Done. :-/ Oh how i jest :) it wouldnt be a Mathew Clarke blog if it didnt push the boundaries :) Kellie oh Kellie, where can i see you, well with your iron fist ruling and aggression as seen by Mike's twin black eyes, Management may ensue, Human Resource management would make sense, organisation is a bit of an obsession ay Kel?!

- Mike McPherson, after the very public breakdown of his first three marriages, the future owner of Nando's will continue searching for his next wife as he finishes off his last touches of Nando's world domination, seeing McDonalds fall behind. Sadly dead by 65, in bed with a heartattack, smothered in extra hot Nando's sauce leaving everything to his 3 children and nothing to his 19 year old 5th wife.

- Zoe Healy, shacked up in her north east love nest, Zoe will achieve success back home. A business tycoon, specialising in the distribution of Strongbow around the UK. Zoe will dedicate time to charities and hospices in her spare time whilst also working as editor on works submitted by one Mathew Clarke. All in a days work for the job juggler.

And me? Well i'll be happy to be earning 50,000+ a year, supporting my beautiful family in our New York apartment. But the dream. Well maybe it is to carrying on writing, maybe journalism, maybe novels or screenplays. Buying up properties on the Florida coastline for friends and family and apartments in L.A for the odd getaway, or work stay whilst at Hollywood.

Oscar Wilde once said; "The supreme object of life is to live. Few people live. It is true life only to realize one's own perfection, to make one's every dream a reality.” Take this on board guys, keep smiling, keep dreaming, but most of all, live the fantasies you dream, for that is how you make the most of the life you've been given.

Happy Holiday Blogging :) only 36 Days till Christmas x

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