My Blog List

Saturday 13 November 2010

A window to your life?

Afternoon Bloggers,

Firstly i would like to thank the 850 people who read my blog throughout October :).

In Cadiz it has been a pretty ordinary week, not alot has really happened, Uni, Drunk times, Chilled Times. However back home has been a different story. I have been saddened by the sheer ignorance of alot of people i thought i had the pleasure to know towards the end of this week. If you follow my goings-on on Facebook you will see the mass debates on the 'Poppy Burning Incident' on Rememberance Day this week.

It has been difficult for me to openly argue with people i have known for years and years, and to discover how truly different i am to some people i thought i could call friends. It is a strange feeling. But on Rememberence Day, before all the commotion i wrote a status, one that i felt embodied the meaning of the day, not only in the UK but around the world. It is a day for reflection, a day to stop and take account of your lives, and the lives of those we have lost, the brave men and women who fight and fought for our freedom, and to rememeber these people and their families.

In this blog i am not looking to preach to you about religion, race or war, i believe i have created a light hearted blog and i don't want to ruin that now :) so i thought i would take a diffferent approach to such topics as Rememberence.

If you remember last time out i wrote about my friends and how i felt they had soundtracks for their lives. Well this week i want to go one step further. I want to talk about my friends, in a rememberence sort of way. I promised last week that i would talk about films sooner or later, and so this week i am going to talk to you about my friends again, but about films too, and how when/if they die, what films will tell the story of their lives, what characters they remind me, and hopefully you, of and who i feel could play them in a film about their lives.

Disclaimer: None of the characters or actors described in the following reflect the appearance of my friends unless stated otherwise.

James Walsh: I hear James became Youtube famous again last week, as many of you who managed to read the last entry also managed to watch his infamous videos :p As i have said before Jumbo is very much a happy go lucky guy, and it was a conversation we had the other day that is at the front of my brain. The conversation went along the lines of how James and Myself ave a habit of finding a girl we like, getting close, and pushing them away, its a curse we both decided. Now James would love me to sit here and tell you how i could see the story of his life being entitled; The Love Machine with Brad Pitt playing him. But i simply cannot lie to my readers!! James has a perpetual habit of embarassing himself, he, to be frank, is a disaster waiting to happen. For me the film that encapsulate James's personality and Life would be Meet The Parents, The Ben Stiller character has James written all over, a nervous wreck, a disaster waiting to happen, but on the inside a truly good guy. Another wee present here for you loyal readers.... James's rendition of Sometimes by Britney Spears, with Sparky dancing for added enjoyment; .

Pieter Lishman: I'm sure there is nothing Lish likes more than to sit in front of his laptop and see himself praised on the intenet. But i have to say, the boys got swagger. Lish is one of those guys who thinks he has life sorted, he has it all down to a T. He'll never get his heart broken, but only because he won't let women close enough to it. He is one of the lads and loves nothing more than sport and drunken times with his mates. For Lish there could only be one character in one film... any guesses? Oh come on, you know it.... Will Smith in the one and only Hitch.  In the film Hitch is seemingly the ultimate dude, he has the whole life situation cracked, women, career, lifestyle, everything appears perfect. It takes the clumsyness, the desperation and geekiness of the character played by Kevin James (Another good shout for James Walsh) to make him realise how it is far from perfect.

Michael A.V. McPherson (One half of Kike): Now Mike isn't just your run of the mill guido, no matter how much Sam would like to think. Mike can speak 2 different languages fluently and is having a good ol bash at Spanish too with us guys here in Cadiz (he's pretty good too... when drunk!) Mike is a relationship guy on the inside but likes to put on a LAD front for amigos. He is majorly under the thumb with Kellie, but he cares not as long as the sweet loving continues. He is rather intelligent, a party lad and ok at football. I think the term is 'Rounded individual'. For Mike it was quite difficult to chose a character and film to pin him to, he isn't a guy you can just label with one label, but the best, and i think very accurate, crack at it was to chose Oz from American Pie. A sporty guy and very much one of the lads, but on the inside a mushy romantic, very much a relationship guy who simply loves to spend time with or talking to his girl.

Kellie Westerman (Other Half of Kike... durrr): Kellie is a wannabe party animal, a strong starter, but ultimately early finisher. She is a free spirit in appearance and attitude, but is very well organised and studious in manner. Kellie always looks for the best in people and rarely takes no for an answer. Seperating Kike made both decisions difficult as together you can label them whatever you want, but take them apart and they are two free souls. For Kellie it was always going to be Disney. And you may have now guessed from the description that i chose Belle out of Beauty and the Beast. I'm not in anyway saying Mike is a terrfyingly ugly beast (:p) but, like Belle, Kellie always likes to see the best in others and does as she pleases.

Sam Maloney: Sadly for Sam, the nicities of last week are long gone!! Jokes, but it has been difficult not to say that you could be Rob Schneider's character in Hot Chick, or other overly camp film roles or even liken him to Sam-Wise from Lord of the Rings, it was hard try and resist. But i resisited! woop! Im proud of myself!! For Sam it was a toss up between two film roles to define his life, and i still, as i sit here writing this, simply cannot chose between the two; Firstly is the character played by Kevin James in Paul Blart Mall Cop, a larger than life character, just looking to get by in his job, a job he feels gains him repsect, and a place where he can hopelessly dote on the girl he loves!! The other role is a more light-hearted, but equally accurate observation; Zazu from The Lion King. A loyal friend, but a complete but-job, Sam down to a T? I think you'll agree :)

Ash Milns: How do you know if Ash had read your blog?! Answer... Wait for the shout of anger as he reads that he has a 12 year olds face shoved on a 40 year olds body.... again... coochy coochy cooooo!!! Ash, like James, is a disaster waiting to happen! When Ash is drunk, he's crazy drunk... he's Crunk!! I think you could say at times he's like a bull in a china shop, but he also also the heart to match his 40 year old physique! He often (not always, if there food!!) puts others first, and is more than genorous. To label Ash is like labelling a star without a telescope, its pretty damn difficult. But i have to give thanks, because seemingly Walt Disney, in his now frozen state, saw this bog coming a long time ago, and created the character of Pumba in The Lion King. Who knew that when i was choosing the films of their lives for Sam and Ash that theyd be in the same one, awwwww :)

Mateo: Our Pint-Sized Princess, Sorry ehem Prince. Mateo is a big personality in a hobbits body, you can catch him in many different moods, but never one more happy than when he's been spending time with him missus, or football manager, the things that are precious to him. I guess i could say he could be remembered a tiny bit like Gollum in Lord of the Rings, but that would be just a little mean :p. Mateo reminds me of a guy that will make it, and will put everything into making it, no matter the obstacles, but the one thing he will always be true to, is the people he loves and cares for, he will never leave friends or family at the way-side. Because of this i chose; Will Smith's character in The Pursuit of Happiness.

Sarah: Oh Sarah! Sarah Sarah Sarah. A story all by herself. A blog entry unto her own. I could write a frikin book about this girl and iv only known her for 2 and a bit months!!! She's a character and a half! She's friendly, i'll give her that, and maybe intelligent, well maybe! I knwo one thing she is.... A pisshead!! :p, thats one slap i'm getting later on!! Talking to her is often like talking to a brick wall; 'Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud', but when you break through, its like a glass smashing next to your bed, its a shock and a half! No, i jest, she's a lovely girl, when you get her nice side :) But i wonder if she is one of those girls who are always the bridesmaid, never the bride. I told you in the last entry that she, to me, is a complex lass. A sort of rubix cube, you just(us) hope to get all the parts in the right place. But when i thought about how i would describe you, after you were gone, i thought of 3 characters. Each quite similar, but very different as well. The first is Miss Moneypenny from James Bond. Moneypenny is a beautiful, intelligent, flirty woman, but with the spark lacking to set off the fireworks. The second is Katherine Heigl's character in 27 Dresses, A successful, organised, kind women, hung up on a fantasy that means she ignores reality. And finally was Jasmine from Aladdin, A rebellious princess, defying family and friends in search for romance and fun times! Ok, looking back over what i have written, not all that sounds positive, but when do i ever apologise, bring those three together and i think we have a film for Sarah's life, a picture of a successful woman, living in a fantasy world, chasing dreams she is willing to rebel against expectations to reach.

Tash: I haaaaate being repetitious, but I must say, this blog has been hard work, chosing films to describe people and the lives they lead is much harder than first expected! None more-so than Tash. Last time out i chose her soundtrack to be The Bear Necesities from Jungle Book, now as you read in the disclaimer, no appearances, unless stated otherwise are being mentioned, and likening someone to Baloo may seem harsh, but he is one of the kindest characters in modern cinema. Baloo has a heart of gold and looks after others whenever possible. The same goes for Tash, she is loveable and kind and helps out others (yes you Katie hammered on Haloween and im guessing drunken Sarah often as well).  But i also see another side to Tash, the quiet side, not a recluse to any stretch of the imagination, Tash is not one for alone time, but she can sit back in a group and observe those around her, but within the same coversation she will speak up and not be ignored. The character i liken this side of Tash to is Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.

Kate: Our favourite big boobed bubbly bird, Crazy, Boozy, Funny, Intelligent. Kate is a package and a half, she needs a badge that says; 'Handle with Care' or 'Warning - Explosive'. She's a live wire and a cracking lass. You can look at Kate from two different angles, Above or below boob level, joking :) I chose two different characters to show the two different angles, you can make your own mind up which you prefer :) Firstly i chose Heather Graham's character in The Hangover, yes a stripper with a child but that is far from the point. A nice girl, easily led astray, looking for romance, and willing to help whoever she can :) I feel this represents her fun side, her party side, but also her kind side. The other side to Kate is her driven side, the side just looking to succeed and who will do, close to, anything to get it. Because of this i thought of Legally Blonde and Elle played by Reece Witherspoon. An intelligent girl who seems otherwise, driven by a goal and hoping to succeed.

Katie: Our loving Katie, a housewife in the making, if that is what will make her man happy, but if not, she is sure to succeed. She is a studious mess, she does well in academic aspects of life and then follows up with heavy nights out and afternoon McHangover trips. She is all about helping others and being there for her friends, in hope they return the sentiment. Katie reminds me very much of Truly Scrumptious from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang but i do not think it could define her life. She is far too strong a character for that, and because of this i feel she needs to be compared to Jessie the Cowgirl from Toy Story 2 & 3, a strong willed girl, but one who doesn't want to be alone.

Zoe: Zoe has an inquistive nature to her, she likes to know what is going on in the world around her and with the people, be it family, friends, or the man around the corner. This is a good thing, i think, i know curiosity killed the cat, but they never say how curious the cat was, or what about, i think it was that the cat was curious to see if it really had 9 lives, cats are dumb, Zoe is not. Zoe reminds me of a few characters from brilliant films; Vada from My Girl, Lex from Jurassic Park, and Tinkerbell. Characters who all have one thing in common, they are caring and curious. But to find the film that Zoe could be remembered by, you have to look at the rest of her peronality, the party girl, the braniac, the geek-chique northern lass. Now i could now choose between Julia Styles's character in 10 Things I Hate About You, or even Audrey Hepburn's character in My Fair Lady. But i decided to chose Zoee Deschanel's character 'Summer' in 500 Days of Summer. Summer is a strong willed, driven, quirky character who knows what she wants, and is sure as hell not going to let some office romance or dead end job stop her.

So once again i have showed my friends in another light, im guessing you guys now know almsot as well as me, some of you know them more and may disagree :)

To finish i would like to present a few Film Titles depicting the lives of some of the people above, made up titles, but titles that truly could be turned into films about their lives;

- Little and Large
TagLine: The story of two similar opposites - Starring Sam Maloney and Ashley Milns

- Back from the Brink
Tagline: What happens post domestic abuse - Starring Kike

- Chunk and Spunk - The Second Coming
Tagline: Uni just got polygomous - Starring Lish and James

- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Tagline: Who needs clothes to have a good time?! - Starring Kate, Tash and Sarah

A very personal thanks for continuing to read my blong guys, it does mean alot to me, and recent figures show you are enjoyng it, so i hope iv filled your life with a bit more sunshine and remember, how will people remember you when you're gone?

Happy Blogging :)

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